haiii!? ÚwÚ I'm Vewo

88x31 by Vero (veronoicc)

I'm ;;w;; a 17 yeaw-owd s-siwwy pewson wiving in Meckwenbuwg-Vowpommewn, Gewmany!!11

🌟 Hater of Javascript, Fan *notices buldge* of C#, w-w-wuvw of Rust πŸ¦€ *twerks*

🌟 My hobbies are: Pwogwamming, Gaming, MTB and Uwbex

🌟 Thewe awe cables in youw wiwewess device
Profile Picture

𝓼𝓴𝓻𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓡𝔂 Vewo (@vewonoicc)

Nyot wistening to anything